Why Guest Blogging Will Still Work For SEO

Why Guest Blogging Will Still Work For SEO

It’s been a few years since Google started penalizing websites for the use of guest blogging, yet many SEO experts still insist that guest blogging works—and they’ve got a point. Guest blogging can help you build up your brand and gain exposure, both of which are crucial to succeeding in search. However, there are some caveats that come with using guest blogs as an SEO strategy: you need to know how to find opportunities with sites that want to rank well for their own content rather than just link out; you need to know what kinds of posts will make sense for your audience; and most importantly, you need to keep track of whether or not any links are actually helping your rankings!

In this article we’ll go over why it’s worth re-embracing guest blogging as an SEO strategy today, then show how we’ve used it successfully at WebpageFX over the past few months. We’ll also share some tips on how to find high-quality opportunities and write them well enough so they’re actually read by people!

Guest blogging is still a great link building tactic.

Guest blogging is still a great link building tactic. You can build a really strong relationship with the site owner by guest blogging, and Google doesn’t penalize guest blogs for keyword stuffing or other SEO sins.

It’s easier to find guest posting opportunities.

Guest posting is an effective way to get your name out there. It’s also easier than ever before to find guest posting opportunities, thanks to the rise of content marketing and a host of other factors.

It’s important to note that not all sites accept guest posts, so it’s important that you do your research before contacting site owners directly or searching for keywords related to your niche (such as “guest post” or “write for us”). Some websites may turn away potential contributors due to their content quality standards; others may be inundated with requests from writers like yourself and simply not have time for another one right now. But if you approach them with respect and professionalism–and follow their guidelines carefully–you may be pleasantly surprised by how receptive they are!

You can build a really strong relationship with the site owner by guest blogging.

The site owner will get to know you, and they’ll be more likely to link to you in the future. The best way for them to find out about your content is through social media or email newsletters, but if the content isn’t great or relevant enough, then it won’t matter how many times they see it. By guest blogging on their site and creating high-quality content that’s relevant for their audience (and hopefully even helps them solve problems), then there’s a good chance they’ll link back to one of those pieces later on down the line.

The same goes with sharing on social media: if someone shares something from one of my sites with their followers, those followers are going to be interested in checking out more from me! They might not even realize that I wrote for them unless I tell them myself–which brings me right back around again…

Google does not penalize guest blogs for keyword stuffing or other SEO sins.

Google does not penalize guest blogs for keyword stuffing or other SEO sins.

Google is more focused on the quality of the content than the quantity of links. They want to see a variety of topics covered in a blog, and they also want to see a variety of authors on that blog.

Guest blogs are seen as more trustworthy than links from unfamiliar sites.

As a guest blogger, you’re writing for an established site with a strong reputation. Google sees this as more trustworthy than links from sites it doesn’t know. In fact, they give more weight to links from trusted publishers than they do to internal pages or even the homepage itself!

So what does this mean? It means that if you want your site’s SEO strategy to succeed in 2019 and beyond, then guest blogging is still one of the best ways to get started–especially since it also helps build relationships with other bloggers and influencers who may help promote your content later on down the road.

Guest blogging still works well as an SEO strategy and can help you build solid relationships with sites that also want to rank well in search

Guest blogging is still an effective way to build links and improve your site’s rankings in search. It’s easier than ever to find guest posting opportunities, and you can build a really strong relationship with the site owner by guest blogging.

Additionally, Google does not penalize guest blogs for keyword stuffing or other SEO sins that have traditionally been associated with link building strategies like this one.

If you’re looking for an effective way to build links, guest blogging is still a great option. It helps you build relationships with other sites and gives them content they can use on their own site. Guest blogging also gives Google something it wants: relevant content from trustworthy sources.

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