Why Guest Blogging Will Still Work For SEO

It’s been a few years since Google started penalizing websites for the use of guest blogging, yet many SEO experts still insist that guest blogging works—and they’ve got a point. Guest blogging can help you build up your brand and gain exposure, both of which are crucial to succeeding in search. However, there are some caveats that come with using guest blogs as an SEO strategy: you need to know how to find opportunities with sites that want to rank well for their own content rather than just link out; you need to know what kinds of posts will make sense for your audience; and most importantly, you need to keep track of whether or not any links are actually helping your rankings!

In this article we’ll go over why it’s worth re-embracing guest blogging as an SEO strategy today, then show how we’ve used it successfully at WebpageFX over … More >>>