The Unfair Advantage Of Link Outreach
Link building is one of the most important parts of an SEO strategy. It can be a long and arduous process, but well worth it for the boost in rankings you’ll get. However, with so many other companies competing for links from high-quality sites, it’s difficult to stand out and get noticed. The key is link outreach: contacting webmasters who already linked to your competitors or potential customers to pitch them on a similar opportunity.
I’ve put together some best practices that will help you do this more effectively and efficiently than anyone else on their team!
Link Outreach Is Important
Link building is a crucial part of SEO. Links are one of the most important factors that search engines use to determine how to rank your site, and they can help you get more traffic and backlinks by bringing in more visitors from other websites.
Link Outreach is a … More >>>
How to Outreach to Medium Bloggers
Medium is an exciting, fast-growing platform that has become the new place to find, share and discuss interesting content. It’s also a great way to reach influencers, who might be interested in reviewing your product or service. However, reaching out to these bloggers can be tricky. Here are some tips for how to get on their radar early:
Find the Influencers
To succeed in this step, you’ll need to find the right people to reach out to. Medium bloggers are often passionate about their niche, so they like being approached by others who share their interests.
If you’re looking for someone who covers a specific topic or industry, search for potential medium bloggers by searching for keywords related to your business and its products/services. For example:
- You sell organic dog treats; search terms could include “organic dog treats” or “vegan dog treats.”
- You have an ecommerce website selling women’s clothing;
How To Effectively Outreach Blogs For Link Building
Link building is an ongoing process. It’s not something you can do once and forget about it. You have to continue building links, especially if you want to keep your rankings high on search engines. Link building has been around for many years now and it can be very difficult at times. That’s why we’re going to take a look at how you can effectively approach blogs while also giving them what they need in order to get a link from them!
Set a Strategy
- Define Your Goals
Before you start researching blogs to outreach to, it’s important that you define your goals and set a timeline for achieving them. For example, if one of your goals is to rank on the first page of Google for a specific keyword phrase, then it will be easier for you if the blog already ranks highly in search engines because they have … More >>>
Why Guest Blogging Will Still Work For SEO
It’s been a few years since Google started penalizing websites for the use of guest blogging, yet many SEO experts still insist that guest blogging works—and they’ve got a point. Guest blogging can help you build up your brand and gain exposure, both of which are crucial to succeeding in search. However, there are some caveats that come with using guest blogs as an SEO strategy: you need to know how to find opportunities with sites that want to rank well for their own content rather than just link out; you need to know what kinds of posts will make sense for your audience; and most importantly, you need to keep track of whether or not any links are actually helping your rankings!
In this article we’ll go over why it’s worth re-embracing guest blogging as an SEO strategy today, then show how we’ve used it successfully at WebpageFX over … More >>>
How to Build Links For Your Business with Guest Blogging
Guest blogging has been a great way to link-build for years now, but it’s not as easy as it used to be. If you want to get traffic and links from guest posting on other sites, then you need to make sure that everyone wins. You can’t just throw up some poor quality content on another site and expect all of the sudden people will start linking back to your website—that doesn’t work anymore. Guest blogging works best when both parties are benefiting from the relationship:
Guest blogging has been a great way to link-build for years now, but it’s not as easy as it used to be.
Guest blogging has been a great way to link-build for years now, but it’s not as easy as it used to be. You need to have quality content and a good reputation. You also need to have a good profile on the … More >>>