Three Businesses That I Really Want To Own

Three Businesses That I Really Want To Own

I’ve been thinking about this for a while now, and I think it’s time to share my dream with the world. You see, I really want to own a coffee shop, bakery, and dry cleaners. This is what I think of when I imagine my ideal day:

Coffee Shop

  • Location: The location of your coffee shop should be in a place where there is a lot of foot traffic. If it’s not, then people won’t be able to find you and they will lose interest in your business.
  • Equipment: To open up this type of business, you’ll need some equipment such as espresso machines and grinders for making coffee beans. The cost for this can vary depending on how many pieces of equipment you need but generally speaking it shouldn’t cost more than $5k-$10k per machine (depending on brand). For example one machine might cost $3k while another might cost $5k but both are within our budget range so we would buy whichever one was cheaper at the time we were looking into buying them!
  • Rent/Supplies: Renting space isn’t cheap either so keep that in mind when calculating costs as well as any other supplies needed such as cups or napkins etc…


  • What kind of bakery: I’m thinking a small, family-owned bakery that specializes in cupcakes.
  • Why you want to own a bakery: I love baking and cooking, so owning my own business would be an amazing opportunity to bring these passions together. I also love working with people, so being able to interact with customers on a daily basis would be really fun!
  • How much it would cost to open a bakery: I’m not sure exactly how much it would cost me because there are so many factors involved (like whether or not we need more equipment than just ovens). But if we were going off of averages from similar businesses around town, then somewhere between $30K-$50K seems right based on what other bakers have told me when they opened their shops.
  • How much money per month do we need? This is another tricky question because there are so many variables at play–how big is our kitchen? How many employees do we need? How often will customers come through our doors? All these questions could affect how much revenue comes in each month…but based on some research conducted by other local bakeries who serve similar types of items (i.e., cupcakes), then anywhere between $5k-$10k per month sounds good enough for us since those numbers seem reasonable given what kind

Dry Cleaners

Dry cleaning is the process of cleaning and repairing fabrics, especially clothes. Dry cleaning uses solvents (usually organic solvents) to dissolve dirt from clothing and textiles. The solvent is then evaporated, leaving behind a clean garment. Dry cleaning can also be done using water and detergent, in which case it is referred to as wash-and-wear or wet cleaning.[1]

Dry cleaners typically use tetrachloroethylene (perchloroethylene), xylene, or triethanolamine as their primary solvents. These substances may be hazardous if not handled properly; however they are less toxic than many other chemicals used for similar purposes such as hexane and methylene chloride.[2] The dangers associated with these chemicals have led many jurisdictions around the world including Europe,[3][4] Australia,[5] Canada[6][7][8][9], Japan[10] New Zealand[11], Taiwan[12], South Korea[13], Hong Kong[14].

I would like to own these three businesses.

I would like to own these three businesses.

  • A bakery.
  • A restaurant.
  • A coffee shop

In conclusion, I would like to own these three businesses. They all seem like they would be fun and profitable to own and run.

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