Create Shareable Content For Link Building

Create Shareable Content For Link Building

Link building is a crucial part of any SEO campaign, but it’s also one of the most challenging parts of digital marketing. The key to getting people to share your content is to create something that they will want to share. This means creating something so compelling that they just have to tell their friends about it.

Create something that people will want to share.

The key to creating shareable content is to think about what your audience wants. You want them to share it, so you need to make something that they’ll enjoy and find valuable.

  • Is it interesting? If not, then it’s probably not going to go viral.
  • Is it funny? People love laughing at things–or at least sharing them with their friends who will also laugh at them!
  • Is there something controversial in your article? Controversy can be a great way of getting people talking about what you’ve written if they disagree with its message or ideas–but if done poorly, controversy can backfire big time on both sides of the debate (and even turn off potential customers).

Write a great title.

A title is the first thing people see, so it’s important to make sure it’s clear, concise and descriptive.

  • Use keywords that are relevant to your content. This will help Google understand what your page is about and rank it in search results accordingly.
  • Don’t use clickbait titles (e.g., “You Won’t Believe What Happens Next”) or misleading titles (e.g., “How To Get A Six Pack In 5 Minutes”). These tactics can backfire because they attract low-quality visitors who aren’t interested in reading or sharing your article–and these visitors don’t contribute anything positive to your website or brand equity over time either!

If possible, end with a question mark at the end of each headline; this will encourage people who want answers from their research – whether they’re new readers looking for advice on how they should go about doing something specific related to their own lives/businesses/projects etcetera…or experienced bloggers/content creators looking for inspiration regarding ideas which haven’t been covered before yet might prove popular among readership demographics based on previous data collected through analytics tools such as Google Analytics.”

Tell a story that grabs people’s attention and keeps them reading.

When you’re creating content, it’s important to have a clear beginning, middle and end. Your readers need to know what they’re getting into before they can decide whether or not they want to invest their time in your story. You also want them to see the value of reading through the entire thing — so don’t be afraid of using humor or metaphors!

Use examples from real life when possible; this gives readers something relatable that they can connect with on an emotional level as well as an intellectual one (and ultimately makes for better clickbait). Side stories are fine if they support what you’re trying to say but don’t get distracted by them! Keep it short and sweet so people won’t get bored reading through everything all at once–and remember: if someone says “good job” after reading something online then chances are good it wasn’t worth publishing anyway because nothing ever satisfies everyone 100% anyways…

Focus on quality, not quantity.

When it comes to link building, quality is more important than quantity. Don’t get me wrong: I’m not saying that you should stop creating content and start focusing on something else entirely (like SEO).

However, it’s easy for us marketers to get caught up in the idea that we need more and more content so we can rank higher and drive more traffic. But this isn’t necessarily true–and sometimes even counterproductive!

Instead of focusing on churning out a bunch of mediocre articles just because they might help increase your rankings, try putting more effort into each piece of content you create instead. You’ll find that simply spending more time on each piece will result in higher-quality pieces overall–and those will be much easier for readers/Google bots alike!

Don’t be afraid of controversy.

Don’t be afraid to take a stand. If you have a strong opinion, don’t be afraid to share it with your readers. Controversial content is often more engaging than “safe” content, because it’s interesting and makes people think about the topic in new ways. You should also consider how controversial topics can help you go viral: for example, if someone shares your article on Facebook because they agree with what you’re saying (or disagree), then their friends will see that post and click through to read more from you as well!

But there’s one thing that separates good controversy from bad controversy — being offensive isn’t going to help build links or get traffic anymore than being boring will; instead, try thinking about how we can create controversial content without offending anyone along the way–and most importantly–without being offensive ourselves!

Use images and videos to help tell your story, but don’t rely on them entirely.

There are many ways to tell a story, but one of the most effective is through images and videos. Images and videos can be used in blog posts, on social media and even in email campaigns. They help create an emotional connection with your audience by telling the story through their eyes instead of yours.

However, don’t rely solely on these tools for creating content that will drive traffic back to your website or generate leads for sales opportunities. Make sure that whatever image or video you use has relevance not only with what you’re trying to communicate but also who you want as an audience (think: millennial males).

Make sure it’s easy for people to share your content.

  • Make sure it’s easy for people to share your content.

You can do this by using the right buttons, links and plugins. For example, if you have a blog post that’s about how to write an SEO friendly title tag, you might use something like “Share This Post” as a button that sits at the end of each post (you’ll also want some social media icons). You could also include a plugin that automatically shares your content on social media when someone reads it or leaves comments on it – this will help increase traffic from sharing sites like Reddit or Digg too!

Creating great content is the key to getting links

Creating great content is the key to getting links.

  • Link building is a long term strategy and not a one-off event.
  • Link building involves creating amazing, shareable, linkable content that people want to read and share with their friends and colleagues. This investment has its own ROI (return on investment).
  • Don’t forget that link building is about creating great content – not just getting links!

If you follow these simple steps, you’ll be well on your way to creating shareable content that drives traffic and links.

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