A Formula For Building Linkable And Pleasing Content

A Formula For Building Linkable And Pleasing Content

“We need an article about building linkable and pleasing content.”

You can imagine that this isn’t the most inspiring task for a writer. But if you follow these three simple steps, you’ll be able to build linkable and pleasing content in no time at all.

# Thesis Statement

Build Links With Content That’s Interesting

You need to be interesting, useful, unique and shareable.

  • Interesting: Your content should be relevant to the topic of your site and resonate with your audience. If it doesn’t interest them, they won’t read it–and if they don’t read it, there’s no chance they’ll link back to you or share with their friends (unless they happen to think that you’re really boring).
  • Useful: You also need to make sure that what you’re saying has some value for visitors; this can come in many forms: tips or advice; entertaining stories; useful information about products/services/etc.; etc.

Build Links With Content That’s Useful

If you want to build links, then the first step is to create content that’s useful.

This may seem like an obvious point, but it’s worth noting that not all content is created equal. What makes some pieces more linkable than others? In short: usefulness. If a reader finds something useful, they’re more likely to share it with others–and if they do so on social media or another platform where other people can see it (like Reddit), those new readers might be impressed enough by your work that they decide to link back themselves!

Build Links With Content That’s Unique

The most effective way to build links is by creating content that’s unique and valuable.

  • Use original data and research. Don’t just repurpose other people’s work; show your expertise by providing original ideas, data, or analysis.
  • Show your expertise on the topic in question by sharing some of your own thoughts and ideas about it–not just what others have said about it (i.e., “Here are five tips for…”).

You can build linkable and pleasing content if you follow these three steps.

You can build linkable and pleasing content if you follow these three steps.

  • Your content should be unique, useful and interesting
  • Why is this important?
  • How can you build linkable and pleasing content?

If you’re looking to build linkable and pleasing content, it’s important that you take these three steps. You can’t just write a blog post and expect people to link to it because they like it; there needs to be some sort of value in the content for someone else. The same goes with uniqueness–if your site already has an article on the topic being discussed then why would anyone want another one?

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