A Formula For Building Linkable And Pleasing Content

“We need an article about building linkable and pleasing content.”

You can imagine that this isn’t the most inspiring task for a writer. But if you follow these three simple steps, you’ll be able to build linkable and pleasing content in no time at all.

# Thesis Statement

Build Links With Content That’s Interesting

You need to be interesting, useful, unique and shareable.

  • Interesting: Your content should be relevant to the topic of your site and resonate with your audience. If it doesn’t interest them, they won’t read it–and if they don’t read it, there’s no chance they’ll link back to you or share with their friends (unless they happen to think that you’re really boring).
  • Useful: You also need to make sure that what you’re saying has some value for visitors; this can come in many forms: tips or advice; entertaining stories; useful information about products/services/etc.; etc.

Build Links

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