Create Shareable Content For Link Building

Link building is a crucial part of any SEO campaign, but it’s also one of the most challenging parts of digital marketing. The key to getting people to share your content is to create something that they will want to share. This means creating something so compelling that they just have to tell their friends about it.

Create something that people will want to share.

The key to creating shareable content is to think about what your audience wants. You want them to share it, so you need to make something that they’ll enjoy and find valuable.

  • Is it interesting? If not, then it’s probably not going to go viral.
  • Is it funny? People love laughing at things–or at least sharing them with their friends who will also laugh at them!
  • Is there something controversial in your article? Controversy can be a great way of getting people talking about what
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A Complete Guide To Creating Shareable Content For Link Building

We’ve all heard that content is king, but not all content is created equal. Some pieces of content are so good that people simply have to share them. These are the ones you want to create if you want to get more links and reach more people online. In this guide, we’ll go over what makes a piece of content shareable and how to do just that!

What Is Link Building?

Link building is the process of getting links to your website. Links are important because they help with search engine rankings, they show that other people think you are relevant and they help with credibility.

Why Do You Need Links?

In the SEO world, links are a sign of trust. They’re also an indication that your content is relevant and worthy of being shared.

When you build links to your site, it helps you rank higher in search engines … More >>>

How To Get Press Coverage For Your Business

Press coverage is a powerful tool for any business to have in its marketing arsenal. Press coverage can help you build credibility, get your name out there and boost sales. But how do you get it? This step-by-step guide will lead you through the process of finding and securing press coverage for your business:

Know your audience.

Know your audience.

Knowing your target audience is essential to getting press coverage. You need to know what they want, and more importantly, what they need from you. You also need to understand how their interests align with yours–what are the commonalities between you?

Make a list of relevant journalists and influencers, and reach out to them.

The first step is to make a list of relevant journalists and influencers, and reach out to them. How do you find these people? The internet is an excellent resource for this information–you can use search … More >>>

The Unfair Advantage Of Link Outreach

Link building is one of the most important parts of an SEO strategy. It can be a long and arduous process, but well worth it for the boost in rankings you’ll get. However, with so many other companies competing for links from high-quality sites, it’s difficult to stand out and get noticed. The key is link outreach: contacting webmasters who already linked to your competitors or potential customers to pitch them on a similar opportunity.

I’ve put together some best practices that will help you do this more effectively and efficiently than anyone else on their team!

Link Outreach Is Important

Link building is a crucial part of SEO. Links are one of the most important factors that search engines use to determine how to rank your site, and they can help you get more traffic and backlinks by bringing in more visitors from other websites.

Link Outreach is a … More >>>

How to Outreach to Medium Bloggers

Medium is an exciting, fast-growing platform that has become the new place to find, share and discuss interesting content. It’s also a great way to reach influencers, who might be interested in reviewing your product or service. However, reaching out to these bloggers can be tricky. Here are some tips for how to get on their radar early:

Find the Influencers

To succeed in this step, you’ll need to find the right people to reach out to. Medium bloggers are often passionate about their niche, so they like being approached by others who share their interests.

If you’re looking for someone who covers a specific topic or industry, search for potential medium bloggers by searching for keywords related to your business and its products/services. For example:

  • You sell organic dog treats; search terms could include “organic dog treats” or “vegan dog treats.”
  • You have an ecommerce website selling women’s clothing;
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