5 Link Building Don’ts For Small Businesses

5 Link Building Don’ts For Small Businesses

Link building is an integral part of your SEO strategy, but it’s not something you should have to do alone. Here are five don’ts that can help small businesses avoid common pitfalls and start seeing results from their link building efforts.

Don’t try to build links yourself.

Link building is a time-consuming process, and it’s also a specialized skill. Link building requires a lot of research, outreach and patience. If you’re not willing to put in the work, then don’t try to do it yourself!

Don’t despair if you’re a small business.

Don’t despair if you’re a small business.

While it’s true that big companies have more resources and can therefore do more with them, this doesn’t mean that small businesses are left out in the cold. In fact, there are some simple things you can do to build links on a budget and with limited resources:

  • Don’t worry about getting lots of links at once – focus on one site at a time (or two).
  • Don’t hire someone else to do all of your link building for you – learn how to do it yourself! It’s not as hard as it sounds and will save money in the long run. Plus who wants someone else controlling their SEO strategy? That’d be like letting someone else drive your car…which is never recommended unless they’re very experienced drivers or something because driving without knowing where one is going could lead anywhere! But enough about cars…

Don’t expect big results right away.

Link building is a long term strategy. It can take months to see results, and even then it might be hard to spot if you don’t have a good baseline from which to compare your rankings. You need patience and perseverance in order to see meaningful improvements in organic search traffic (and conversions).

Keep up the effort! Link building is about more than just getting links – it’s also about maintaining relationships with other sites so that they’ll be willing to link back when you ask them later on down the line (or sooner!).

Don’t be afraid to go after bigger fish (links).

The biggest mistake that small businesses make when it comes to link building is being afraid of going after bigger fish. They think that since they’re a small business, they can only get links from sites that are less authoritative and relevant than their own. But this isn’t true!

The truth is that there are plenty of high-quality websites out there with content related to your industry or business model–and some of them are even willing to link back to you if you ask nicely (and provide value).

Don’t overcomplicate it.

Link building is a time-consuming process, and you don’t want to overcomplicate it. Focus on one thing at a time; don’t try to do everything at once.

Don’t try to build links from scratch–it’s better to focus on getting quality backlinks from other sites than it is to try your hand at creating one yourself.

Link building is an important part of your SEO strategy, but it’s not something that should be done alone.

Link building is a long-term strategy. It’s not something that can be done overnight, and it requires a lot of work. If you’re doing this yourself, then it will take up a lot of your time and energy–time and energy that could be better spent elsewhere in your business.

If you want to see results from link building, then hire someone who knows what they’re doing! Link builders are experts at getting links built for their clients’ sites; they know how to find high-quality links that will help improve their rankings on Google search engine results pages (SERPs). They also know how not just any old link will do; they’ll only build links from places where they know those sites will benefit yours by sending traffic back to it through organic search engine results pages (SERPs).

We hope this guide has helped you understand some of the basics of link building. As a small business owner, you don’t need to spend hours on it and can instead focus on other aspects of your marketing strategy. However, remember that links are still an important part of SEO and shouldn’t be neglected–especially if you want people to notice your brand!

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