How to Outreach to Medium Bloggers

Medium is an exciting, fast-growing platform that has become the new place to find, share and discuss interesting content. It’s also a great way to reach influencers, who might be interested in reviewing your product or service. However, reaching out to these bloggers can be tricky. Here are some tips for how to get on their radar early:

Find the Influencers

To succeed in this step, you’ll need to find the right people to reach out to. Medium bloggers are often passionate about their niche, so they like being approached by others who share their interests.

If you’re looking for someone who covers a specific topic or industry, search for potential medium bloggers by searching for keywords related to your business and its products/services. For example:

  • You sell organic dog treats; search terms could include “organic dog treats” or “vegan dog treats.”
  • You have an ecommerce website selling women’s clothing;
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