Link Building Strategies That Actually Work

Link Building Strategies That Actually Work

Link building is one of the most important parts of any SEO campaign, but it’s also one of the most challenging. The good news: there are plenty of strategies out there that can help you build links for your website in a way that won’t get you penalized by Google. Here are some of the best ones we’ve found:

Create content that will help your audience and link to it appropriately.

Linkable content is any piece of content that will help your audience. This could be a blog post, video or infographic. It doesn’t need to be overly complicated; in fact, the simpler it is, the better!

To create linkable content:

  • Find out what questions people have about your topic and then write an answer to them. For example, if you sell dog food online but want more links from pet stores (to increase traffic), ask yourself “what do pet stores need?” Then write down everything they might need – like how much should I charge? How many bags should I buy at once? Should I order more than one type of food? etc… And then answer those questions in an article titled “How To Get The Best Deal On Dog Food From Your Local Pet Store”. This way when someone searches for something along those lines on Google or Bing they’ll find your article which contains links back to all sorts of other places where someone may be interested in buying dog food from too!

Guest post on a relevant site.

A guest post is an article that you write for another website, and they publish it on their site. The goal of this strategy is to get your name out there in front of new eyeballs.

There are many ways to find sites that would be interested in publishing your guest posts. You can search Google for “guest post” plus the keyword(s) related to your niche, or you can check out directories such as Problogger’s list of blogs by category and NicheHacks’ list of sites accepting guest posts (both lists are updated regularly).

Once you’ve found some potential sites, send them an email asking if they accept unsolicited submissions from authors outside their network–and then follow up with another email if they don’t respond within a week or two! You want the editor-in-chief (EIC) or managing editor (ME) on board before submitting anything so that he/she doesn’t reject it without reading it first; otherwise, he/she may not know what kind of content will work best for their readership base until after reading through all of them himself/herself…

Be active on social media, but don’t overdo it.

Social media is a great place to find new customers, but it can also be a time-consuming distraction. Make sure that you are posting quality content and not just spamming your audience with links back to your site.

When choosing which social media platforms to use, consider how much time each one will take up in terms of posting content and responding to comments or questions from followers. If there’s too much work involved in maintaining an active presence on any given platform, there may be better options out there for reaching potential customers

Monitor online conversations and respond to them appropriately.

Monitor online conversations and respond to them appropriately. The best way to build links is by being involved in the conversation. Monitor social media, your blog comments, forums, and emails from customers (if you have an email newsletter) for opportunities that allow you to participate in a meaningful way.

When monitoring these channels for mentions of your business name or keyword-rich phrases that could be used as anchor text for new links–such as “best” or “top 10”–respond with an insightful comment that adds value for readers who might not otherwise find their way onto your website through organic search results alone.

Reach out to influencers in your niche and build relationships with them.

Influencers are the people who have the power to influence others. They can be found on social media, but they can also be found in other places, such as forums and email lists. Influencers are valuable sources of information and content for your website, so it’s important to reach out and build relationships with them.

There are many different types of influencers:

  • Subject matter experts
  • Industry thought leaders (for example, people who write books)
  • Bloggers

Build relationships with potential customers, not just clients.

One of the best ways to build links is by creating relationships with potential customers. The more you know about them, the better you can tailor your content and services–and that’s exactly what search engines like Google want.

To start building relationships with potential customers:

  • Find out what they’re interested in. This can be done through surveys or interviews, but it also helps if you follow them on social media or subscribe to their blog (or both!). This way, you’ll get an idea of what kinds of things they talk about most often and how they talk about them. If there are any topics that come up regularly but aren’t covered very well elsewhere online, now would be a good time to start exploring those subjects yourself!
  • Go above and beyond what’s expected from businesses like yours by providing value-added solutions whenever possible (without going overboard). For example: if someone emails me asking for advice on how to grow their website traffic by 50% within six months using only organic methods…I’m definitely going above-and-beyond!

Link building isn’t hard if you focus on quality over quantity

Link building isn’t hard if you focus on quality over quantity.

The first step to link building is to stop thinking about links as the end goal and start thinking about them as a tool for reaching your goals. The next step is making sure that your site has enough quality content for people to want to share it–which means that you need more than just one blog post or video (though those are great starting points). The third step is building relationships with the people who can help spread word of mouth about your work, whether they’re readers or journalists or industry influencers–and then asking them for backlinks when appropriate!

If you follow these tips, you’ll be able to build quality links that will help your website rank higher in search engine results. Remember that link building isn’t just about getting as many links as possible; it’s also about creating content that people will want to share with others. Ultimately, if you’re able to provide value for other people through your blog posts or social media updates then they’ll be more likely than not share them on their own accord!

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