A Quick Guide To Guest Blogging For Link Building

A Quick Guide To Guest Blogging For Link Building

Guest blogging is a powerful way to build your online authority, gain new visitors and attract links back to your own site. However, it’s important that you do it right. This article will provide you with the basic information you need to get started as a guest blogger – including how to find sites that accept guest posts, what kinds of articles they want you to write and how often they publish them. Then I’ll discuss some best practices for writing winning articles that increase your chances of being published on other websites or blogs.”

The Basics

Guest blogging is the act of writing a blog post for another website and then submitting it to the host site. It’s an effective way to build links and gain exposure for your brand, but there are some things you should know before diving in.

Guest posting is different from guest blogging because it involves more than one person: The writer posts their article on their own site, then submits it as a guest post somewhere else (usually with additional commentary). This method can be less risky than straight-up guest blogging because you don’t have to worry about building up trust with the host site; however, it also doesn’t give you quite as much control over how your content looks or what kind of response it gets from readers.

Benefits include increased traffic for both parties involved in addition to opportunities for mutual promotion through social media channels such as Twitter or Facebook.

1. Guest blogging is the art of publishing articles on popular websites

Guest blogging is the art of publishing articles on popular websites. It’s a great way to get your content in front of new audiences, build relationships with influencers, and increase your site’s overall authority in your industry.

A guest post is typically written by someone who has expertise or experience in a certain field; they’re then invited by an editor at the publication to write about their area of expertise (and sometimes paid for it). The author does not own the content–it belongs to the publication–but they do have editorial control over what he or she writes, so long as it meets their standards.

2. Guest blogging can help you build your online authority

Guest blogging is a great way to build your online authority. The more high-quality, popular and niche sites that publish your content, the more people will see it and learn about you.

When you guest blog on a high-quality site, such as Forbes or Mashable, not only will they be able to drive traffic back to their own site through links (which is good for them), but also because of the quality of their audience – these readers are likely interested in what they have written about already so there’s no need for further promotion from them!

If we look at this example from Rand Fishkin (founder of Moz): http://www.seomoz.org/blog/how-to-get-guest-posts

3. Guest blogging can attract new visitors to your own site

You should also be aware that guest blogging can help you build your online authority, attract new visitors to your own site and build your brand.

This is because when you write for another site, people will see that as a sign of credibility and trustworthiness. You’re basically saying “I am an expert in this area.” Once they read what you’ve written, they’ll want to learn more about how they can get in touch with or follow up with said expert (you).

4. There are two types of guest posts: featured and regular

There are two types of guest posts: featured and regular.

  • Featured posts are more valuable than regular posts. Featured posts are more likely to be picked up by search engines, shared on social media, get comments and backlinks from other websites.
  • You can use a tool like Buzzsumo to find blog directories where you can submit your content (more on this later).

5. Make sure you follow the rules for each kind of post

  • Make sure you follow the rules for each kind of post

There are two main types of guest posts: linked and non-linked. The first is self-explanatory, but the second requires some explanation. If a blog accepts non-linked guest posts, then the author will be able to include their own links in their bio or at the end of their article (if there’s space). This is helpful because it lets readers know that they can reach out if they want more information on a topic discussed in your article–but also means that you may have less control over where those links go than if they were actually part of an original post on your site instead!

In addition to these two types, there are also certain rules around length and format depending upon whether or not your host allows formatting options such as bolding text within paragraphs (which most do).

6. Don’t write just for the sake of writing a guest post. Focus on quality over quantity and create a strategy before you start writing. In fact, if you have a strategy before you start out, it will be easier to prioritize what sites to target and which ones to skip over when writing your guest posts.

Don’t write just for the sake of writing a guest post. Focus on quality over quantity and create a strategy before you start writing. In fact, if you have a strategy before you start out, it will be easier to prioritize what sites to target and which ones to skip over when writing your guest posts.

How To Write A Winning Blog Post For Your Guest Post Prospects (And Why You Need An Editorial Calendar)

To write a winning guest post, you must first know your audience. You can’t just throw up any old content on the internet and expect people to read it. This is especially true when it comes to writing for other sites as opposed to your own site.

Your first step should be doing some research on what their readers are looking for in terms of content topics and formats (i.e., articles vs videos).

Once you have this information, create an editorial calendar based around those insights so that all future posts will align with the needs of their readership.

7. Set goals for each guest post and then track them using analytics tools like Google Analytics (GA). These goals include traffic, time on page, bounce rate, conversion rates and more but these are just some examples of how you can measure how effective your efforts were at driving traffic to your website or blog after publishing your article as a guest writer for another website or blog.

The most important thing to do before you start writing is to set goals. These goals can be anything from driving traffic, increasing time spent on your site or blog, getting more comments and social shares, increasing email signups etc. Once you have these goals set up it will allow you to track them using analytics tools like Google Analytics (GA). These goals include:

  • Traffic – How many people visited my guest post?
  • Time On Page – How much time did they spend reading my article?
  • Bounce Rate – What percentage of visitors left without going anywhere else on the site/blog where I published my guest post?

These are just some examples of how you can measure how effective your efforts were at driving traffic back towards your website or blog after publishing as a guest writer for another website or blog

Guest blogging is a great way to build links, drive traffic and increase your online authority. It’s also a great way to connect with other bloggers in your industry or niche so that when it comes time for them to write about something related to what they know best (or even something totally unrelated), they’ll think of you first because they already know who you are!

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