Tax Planning For Small Businesses

Planning your taxes is a year-round activity, but it becomes particularly important at the end of the year. As you prepare to file your small business tax return, here are some tips for maximizing your deductions and minimizing your tax liability:

Filing Your Business Tax Return

The importance of filing your business tax return

The first step in tax planning is to file your business tax return on time. If you don’t, the government may impose penalties and interest charges. This can add up to thousands of dollars over time, depending on how late you are in filing your return. In addition, if you don’t file a complete and accurate return (or even if you do), there could be additional costs associated with having to amend or correct it later on down the line when it’s too late for them not to catch any mistakes!

Keep records for future reference… More >>>

Tax Planning For Business Owners

Taxes are a major part of doing business, but it’s important to keep in mind that taxes are not one-size-fits-all. There are many different types of businesses, each with its own unique tax situation. Each year, there are also changes to personal tax rates and adjustments to business tax credits and deductions. In this article, we’ll discuss some general strategies for planning ahead when it comes to your business’ tax obligations.

Business tax planning is a year-round process.

Tax planning is a year-round process. You should be thinking about tax issues from the time you start your business, through its growth and maturity, to its eventual sale or liquidation.

Tax planning can be especially important for new businesses because of the so-called “momentum concept”–that is, if you are in a higher tax bracket when you start your business than when it becomes profitable (or vice versa), the difference in rates … More >>>