Interest Rates Of Fintech Industry For Unsecured Business Loans In India
Many small business units face challenges in obtaining unsecured business loans at competitive interest rates. Either the interest rates are exorbitant, or the payment structure is unfeasible with high prepayment penalties. This lack of democratization of finance has changed in recent times with the advent of the fintech players. Fintech players focus on the speed of loan processing, efficiency, and ease of business loans disbursement for the customer.

While NBFCs offer unsecured business loans at attractive interest rates, there are some internal and external factors which influence the pricing of the interest rates, which are as follows:
- The rate of Inflation: Inflation increases the prices of products and services. However, inflation reduces the value of currencies and purchasing power in general. The fall in the value of currencies increases the rate of interest on business loans. Fintech lenders extend business loans at higher interest rates if the inflation rate